Saturday, June 2, 2012

2012 Utah Karting Champoinship Race #1

McKenzie takes second place after a great pass from fourth to second. She chased Zac but ended up second after a 14 Lap final.  Great job girl.  Dylan was home trying out for a compitive soccer team. He made the team!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Super National Kart Race 2011

Check out this real cool video made by a Utah karter named Wyatt Lloyd.....

Saturday, December 10, 2011

2011 Kart Banquet

We met at the Clubhouse at Miller Motorsports Park for the annual Kart Banquet. This was the awards night. McKenzie took 4th place just behind Sydney Hess. They both raced well this year. Mom and McKenzie... Here Dylan is with his dad... the pit crew and sponsor!

We sat with John, Karen and Hemi Yakovich at the dinner and banquet. Hemi is so cute! No wonder Dylan likes her.

Hemi gets her award for the Kid Kart class. Not sure where her teeth went?

Dylan is proud to recieve his award. He did real well this year. In most cases he won and when he didn't, he lost to Hemi.

Together with their trophies.

Then we got a partial group picture of our friends at the track.

It was a great season. Can't wait till next year.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

McKenzie - Race #14 Utah State Championship

McKenzie's last race of the season. She is 50 points or so behind Sydney #11 for 3rd place. Here we go its is go time!!

McKenzie beats Sydney in the first heat by just a nose. What a great race for both of them.

Kenzie ends up on the pole for the Main. Wow this gonna be exciting!! She gets the lead and then drops to second.

Half way through the race a bazaar event takes place in the other Senior 4 cycle race. There was a wreck and an individual went and punched out the teen he was racing with! This resulted in a red flag!!! So McKenzie had to restart the race with the Senior 4 cycle class in between them all.

She did not get a good start since the Seniors did not draft with her. McKenzie battled Russel Biles #3 (Senior) and he pushed her in one of the corners which allowed Sydney Hess #11 to get by her. This resulted in Kenzie finishing 4th.

Good job girl. It was a fun season.

Dylans Race - #14 2011 Utah State Championship

On pit row getting ready.Dylan all smiles.

Out front, but Hemi #3 is chasing him.

He is little but fast. This picture shows how small he is relative to his kart.

In the Main, Dylan jumps to the front for the hole-shot.

He finishes in first.

He gets his medal with Hemi.

Then returns to his pit for some more photos.
Great job this year Dylan!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Race #12 2011 Utah Kart Championship

Dylan runs out front. He is getting faster with more confidence. Hemi #3 runs really well too. They are usually battling for 1st and 2nd.

The kids get their medals after the Main.

Dylan and Hemi like to hang out together. They are pretty cute together.

McKenzie passes Sydney Hess #11 on the last lap of the Main to take the position. Great race for both of them.

Time for weigh in..... McKenzie Tingey and Sydney Hess waiting for the scales.

Good job girls!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Race #11 Utah Summer Championship

McKenzie helps change the gear on her kart as Dylan watches.
She doesn't usually like to help cause she is "too hot" or "too tired". But today she wanted to change the gear.

Dylan finishes just barely ahead of Hemi #3.

Time for weigh in...

Now back to our pit.

McKenzie pushes Zach to the lead in the Main.

Kenzie goes to second and then her chain comes off with 2 laps to go. Heartbreaking end to a great day of racing. Time for a new chain!