Saturday, December 10, 2011

2011 Kart Banquet

We met at the Clubhouse at Miller Motorsports Park for the annual Kart Banquet. This was the awards night. McKenzie took 4th place just behind Sydney Hess. They both raced well this year. Mom and McKenzie... Here Dylan is with his dad... the pit crew and sponsor!

We sat with John, Karen and Hemi Yakovich at the dinner and banquet. Hemi is so cute! No wonder Dylan likes her.

Hemi gets her award for the Kid Kart class. Not sure where her teeth went?

Dylan is proud to recieve his award. He did real well this year. In most cases he won and when he didn't, he lost to Hemi.

Together with their trophies.

Then we got a partial group picture of our friends at the track.

It was a great season. Can't wait till next year.

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