Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Championship Podium Finishes for M Squared

I am always asked, "What kart shop is the best one to get hooked up with?" There are several great shops here in Utah, but here is the 2009 Summer Series Championship Podiums for racers that race for M Squared.

6 - 1st Places, 9 - 2nd Places, 11 - 3rd Places Out of 11 scoring classes. That is 69.7% of the championship podiums coming from M Squared. Congratulations!! Who do you want to get hooked up with?

Connect with MSquared Karting

Monday, November 9, 2009

2009 Karting Championship Trophies

Here is Dylan Tingey's trophy for the 2009 Karting Series.

Doug Tingey's 3rd place trophy plaque for 2009 Senior 4-Cycle Class.

Thanks to Mike Beeny and Larry Moulton at M Squared Kart Racing for all their help this year! .
M Squared Karting

Saturday, November 7, 2009

2009 Kart Championship Banquet

Doug and Jolene Tingey took Dylan Tingey down to the 2009 Karting Banquet. Dylan was very excited to get his Kid Kart trophy. When he saw the cake, he just wanted a piece of the cake. They had some racing pictures frosted on the cake. Jolene and Dylan together before the event started. It was held in the very nice Club House at the Miller Motor Sports Park in Tooele.
See Dylan just wanted to get to the cake!!!
After dinner and the cake, Dylan Tingey received his trophy. He was the youngest and smallest kid of them all. At 5 years old!!
He was pretty excited to get his trophy and excited to get back to racing. We won one of the door prizes after his award. It was a really nice digital helmet camera!!! Cool now I'll be able to post video of us actually racing on the track!
Then the Senior 4-Cycle class awards. Doug Tingey received 3rd place, Karen Yakovich slipped to second in the last race and Pepsi Fox won the championship. One more race from Doug and he might have been the champion. It was the funnest season I've had so far.
Jared Simcox came to the banquet and sat by us. He was one of my toughest competitors. Thanks Jared.
Karen and John Yakovich sat with us also. Here Karen is smiling like she always does!! She is a great racer and always a joy to be around.
We ended up winning another Door Prize!! It was two Club House Tickets to next years American Le Mans Series race. This will be really cool!! Once again, when Jolene comes to the banquet we score the best prizes!! It was alot of fun and Dylan can't wait til next year!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Selling my Rotax

See my Rotax Racing Kart on KSL. It is for sell!
My Rotax kart on KSL

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Race #10 for Doug Tingey

The day started very rough at Miller Motor Sports Park for the last and final race of the season for #115 Doug Tingey. The track was very cold (less than 55°F) and it took several laps to get the tires warmed up. This was my problem: I would run and about 2 or 3 laps and my engine would run out of gas. I thought that it was because there was oil in my fuel filter pulse tube. Today's race was going to be a Qualifying Heat, then a Prefinal Heat followed by the Main Heat. I was going to be in trouble for the Qualifying Heat since I could only run a couple of laps before the engine would die. But I would have to run slow to get my tires warmed up. Mean while, my son Dylan's kart was broke! I pulled the starting cord out of the housing!! Thank heavens the Burdett boy's dad fixed it for me. But, I did not have time to fix my kart prior to Qualifying. So as I suspected, I got one lousy Qualifying lap in (5 seconds off of the pace) before the engine died!! I was going to start last in the Prefinal. Goose sold me a new fuel filter and I reduced the oil content in my crankcase as low as I dared go. I ran the motor in the pits for about 10 minutes and noticed that fuel was leaking out near the carberator. So I put 2 zip ties on the fule line going into the carb. It stopped the leak.
I got a good start on the Prefinal. I ran 4th position nose to tail with the leaders. My engine ran fine!!! I don't know what fixed the problem, but I suspect the fuel leak was the problem, not the pulse or the fuel pump. Great! The problem solved, but now I only have one shot at adjusting my kart for handling.
I made a few adjustments and started the main in fourth place. Here is a picture showing us rolling to the straight way for the start. I am right behind #11 Jared Simcox.
I got a good start behind Jared. I went right to second behind #7 Rob Nye. Ran most of the race bump drafting with Jared trying to make up the 3 second gap to Rob. I made a mistake and Jared took over second place. We drafted together and reeled Rob in a little.
Then on the last lap, I rolled back 5 car lengths coming into the "Snake" and tried to get a ton of speed and sling shot onto the straight way. This picture shows me going onto the front straight. It worked! When Jared looked left I went right and ran up along side of him. We crossed the finish line together. But he was 6 to 8 inches ahead. He took second by 9/1000ths of a second!!!
After the race, Jared talks to me about such a fun and clean race. That was a blast!!
So I took third. Rob Nye took first and Jared Simcox took second. Rob did not show up for awards.
I ended up in Third Place in the Season Points.

Dylan Tingey's Second Kart Race in Kids Karts

Saturday morning was fairly cold at 52°F. The track at Miller Motor Sports Park was very slick due to the cold. Dylan Tingey (#6) was excited that Mom had come down to the race track today. He leaves the pits to go out on the track.

Dylan kept chopping the first and fastest corner. He eventually spun out and was facing the wrong way. Dad ran to help turn him around on the fastest corner with traffic coming right at him. Dylan knows that he must wait till the traffic clears before turning around. But, Dad still has a heart attack!!After the race, he must come in and weigh-in. He likes to drive onto the scales. He must weigh -in over 155 lbs or be disqualified. His bother, Jackson Tingey looks on to see if he makes weight. The pull cord broke on his kart right before the first heat. I did not have time to fix it because my kart was having some serious issues (see story to follow). Thank heavens that the Burdett boy's father took the kart and fixed it for me during my qualifying heat.
Dylan gets ready for his next heat. The boy has no fear!! Dylan Tingey gets a good start!!He passes a couple of racers in the final!! He was pretty excited about that! He still is mad that his dad won't give him the full throttle yet. Once again he goes to the weight shack for weigh-in. He makes weight by 1.5 lbs. Good calculation Dad! He had to wait the rest of the day to get his trophy. Dylan is the youngest and smallest of the Kids Kart class. He shows his trophy!!

Good job "Bubs"!!!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Dylan Tingey's First Race at Age 5 years Old!

I took the boys down to the track early on Friday to practice. I needed to dial my kart in with the new set of tires and wheels. And I wanted Dylan to practice to see if he would race. As soon as he turned 5 years old he was eligble to race and he has been asking to go for the last month. I have been very worried about him racing since he is so small. I set his throttle to only half of max. He went out and ran with the throttle as wide open as he could from the beginning!!! He told me to "give me more gas, Dad"!!!
I waited till the next morning before I gave him more gas.
There is alot of kids in this class. Dylan Tingey (#6) has to start in the back as a "rookie". But he ran really well for his first race. I gave him "more gas" for the first race and a boy ran into him on the second corner and they locked tires. After he got free he did not get lapped !!!! That is awesome for the first race.
He spun in the second race and I think it freaked him out, so he ran a little slower.
At the end of the day he got a trophy. He was pretty excited!
Now for my race: I figured out my set up pretty good, but I still have room to improve.

Heat#1: I started in 5th position and went to second after the first turn. Pepsi Fox made a mistake and I passed her in the "thumb". I led the rest of the race. Jared Simcox struggled to get fourth. So, I finished in first by several seconds.

Heat #2: I started in second and was in first for most of the race. Jared did catch me near the end and was bump drafting with me to put some distance between us and Pepsi. He passed me on the straight with one lap left. So I finished second.

Main: I started on the pole and got a good start. I pulled away and beat them all with a 8 second lead!! First Doug Tingey Second Jared Simcox and Third Pepsi Fox.
Jackson took a picture of Dylan and I after the trophies were handed out.

Doug's First Place Medal.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

2009 Utah Kart Championship Race #8

Race #8 At Millers Motor Sports Park Tooele
Big Gator - Clockwise
Senior 4-Cycle Class
Doug Tingey #115
Heat #1 -
I started in 5th place and moved my way to second place behind Jared Simcox. Jared is from Brigham City and he is the one who drove me home three years ago after my big crash, where I went to the hospital in the ambulance. He is a great competitor and very fast. I had the fastest lap time by 0.35 seconds and only finished second. That shows how hard it is to pass!
Heat #2 -
The computer pea picked me to be on the pole and Jared did not show up for the race! I got a good push on the start from Karen and then I ran away with the heat! Fastest lap times again.
Main -
I was on the pole and Pepsi in second to the side of me. Karen behind me and Jared was behind Pepsi. Karen got a real bad start and was not able to push me into the first corner. Jared pushed Pepsi real good and they freight trained me into the first corner. The rest of the race it was Jared in first. Pepsi in second and me in third. We were tied bumper to bumper the entire race! So I ended up third. Also, I am third in the overall season points.
Technical junk-
I have been trying to free the back end of my kart to increase my corner exit speed. I am losing to much motor rpm due to the high grip in the rear wheels. The biggest step is next. That is to get rear wheels and MG tires that are 165 mm wide and replace my 180 mm MG tires. Bad thing is that all of my set up notes have to start over. ARGH!!!
If I make these changes and figure out the optimum settings, I should be able to race very well.
The wheels and tires are ordered and the next race is Sept 26th.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Found a Kart for Sale

I found this kart that is for sale by someone here in Cache Valley. Check out the ad

This person is asking $600. But, the Honda GX200 motor is worth ~$150, a set of gears is worth ~8x$15=$120, kart stand is worth $150. Total ~$420. And the chassis is about free.
This might be a deal to just get started.